Author Topic: Warm place for happy and harmonious talk!!  (Read 12077 times)


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Warm place for happy and harmonious talk!!
« on: November 12, 2011, 04:35:11 AM »
      Congratulations for this meaningful birth.  Before thanking the father of this web site for his effort and ability, I first would like to express my deep gratitude to Matshendranath and his students who excavated kouksundo in a far away eastern country and introduced it to Russia and Ukraine for their open-mindedness and highly developed spirituality and to the last June, October seminar organizers, Artem,Oleg,Alena for their unsparing support for the successful seminars. And  to the father of this web site, Dmitry for his brainful translations and making of this communication forum for spiritual practitioners family in this cosmic country, thank you!  Whereever we are, I hope that we all keep on practising continuously, steadily, every day till we complete our duty as a practitioner to make our planet perfectly peaceful and to resemble Our great Mother fully.   :) :) :)


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Re: Warm place for happy and harmonious talk!
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2011, 03:31:04 AM »
Dear Kim Ki Yong, I'm glad that in Russia and Ukraine Kouk Sun Do becomes popular. I apologize that I couldn't come at this time in Kharkov. I hope in the future we can organize your program in Russia. Dmitry does a great job on the website and now all Russians can get your advice over the Internet, and attend your seminars during your visit.

Just a few years ago nobody would believe that in Korea there is such a unique, effective and systematic tradition. We are all very grateful. From my side, I will do everything that people in Russia and other countries will know and practice this system.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 10:42:02 PM by Matsyendranath »


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Re: Warm place for happy and harmonious talk!
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2011, 12:55:53 PM »
Dear Master Kim and Guruji Matsyendranath!

Thanks to you a lot of people in Russia, Ukraine and other countries have unique opportunity to learn alive and true traditions. It is difficult to express by the words our gratitude to you for continuing teach us and give an experience of many generations of practicioners for those who are ready to receive. A great opportunity of personal communication with you gives us a chance to stay the right way. Our greatfull to you is infinite and the most important thing we could do to express it is continuing our practice. I think all guys who had met Master Kim and Guru Matsyendranath for this time will join theese words :)


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Re: Warm place for happy and harmonious talk!
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2011, 03:16:26 AM »
   Dear Matsyendranath!
 I am very grateful to you for your deep understanding and strong support for kouksundo. I hope
that the fresh and clean water of kouksundo will flow into the great fields of Russia and Ukline
through the gate which you opened with several years of your difficult efforts in a foreign country
whose language ,food, culture and weather are quite different from yours and bear great fruits of peace in the field of Russian, Ukline mind and then the worlld mind !!!
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 04:59:46 AM by Aprameya »


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Re: Warm place for happy and harmonious talk!
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2011, 03:36:14 AM »
Dear Aprameya!
I will replace my deep thanks with my steady and hard practice here. As a strong practitinoer,
You always make me put high expectation on your practice. :)
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 05:11:34 AM by Aprameya »


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Re: Warm place for happy and harmonious talk!
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2011, 05:16:09 AM »
Dear Master Kim!
Thank you for theese kind words and your support!
I will try to do my best to develop my practice and knowledge of Kouksundo and also help those people who need it.


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Re: Warm place for happy and harmonious talk!
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2011, 03:40:10 PM »
С огромной радостью приветствую работу форума!

Привет и благодарность Дмитрию! Привет Мастеру Киму и супруге! Доброго здоровья всем участникам харьковских семинаров!

Вдохновляет возможность общаться с Мастером, обмениваться новостями практики с практикующими.

Всем, кому я рассказываю о Куксандо, я сообщаю адрес этого форума. Хочется, чтобы об этой прекрасной практике знали люди в Украине и за ее пределами, а так же - что бы как можно бльше людей практиковали Куксандо. Поэтому мы с Олегом набираем группу в Харькове.