Jay Shiva Gorakshanath!
I want to share my impressions about last seminar:) Though I visited Kouksundo classes in Korea many times, this seminar become too informative and very exciting for me. First of all because Master Kim spend a lot of time explaning the main principals of Kouksundo, its targets and methods, he told very clear and all his words were impregnated a faith of what he is following also. I think that is why many participants of the seminar were appreciated of the Kouksundo practice, but time will show would they continue practice at home or not. The opportunity for it is available (thanks to Dattatreyanath) on the site
http://ksdo.ru, and this forum is alive where Master Kim can answer the questions about practice. As I was noticed, he is very glad that in Russia and Ukraine people are interested and continue practice even there is no constant Kouksundo centers (Korean people usually practice in centers every day).
In lection part Master Kim explained also metaphysical aspects of Kouksundo as a spiritual way.
In general (on the highest level) it is very similar to Natha tradition, that is way Kouksundo is called a Korean yoga, it is very exact definition

In Kouksundo it is also an idea of identity of microcosm and macrocosm and target is consolidation (perception of unity) with Universe and staying in Harmony with Heaven Laws (perfect life way) and enlargement of consciousness to the size of Universe.
As for practice, all participants were initiated in a first stage of practice with breathing in 25 postures for confirmation in which Master recommended not less than 100 days of everyday practice after seminar. Also he noticed that many people in Korea practice first stage for many years (or the whole life) not going to the next levels because it gives a perfect physical health,
Energy for active life, clear mind and emotional control. In my feelings the practice influence very positive on the clearness of energy channels, sometimes it is felt like “inner lighting” and all this helps very much in yoga dhyana.
So, I hope that it is not a last seminar of Master Kim Ki Yong in our region and that participants of the seminar will continue practice and will develop on this way achieving maximum results.
Thanks to Dattatreyanath and all people who help him in organizing this wonderfull event!