Author Topic: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism  (Read 42641 times)


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Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« on: November 21, 2011, 08:00:28 AM »
Good day to everybody!

Kouk-sun-do theory & philosophy have many similarities with Taoism: Yin-Yang theory, concept of five elements, etc. Does anyone have any information about the relationship between Kouk-sun-do and Taoist tradition? I read one article about the Kouk-sun-do (in English), it tells that Grand Master Chungsan's teacher was a Taoist monk. Is it author's (or translator's) mistake, or it's really so?


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2011, 10:27:22 AM »
I'm translating an article now, where Master Chung Sun gives an interview to a professor of Seul University. He realy tells that he met a Dao Master at the age of 13  who learned  him Kouksundo.
Later I'll try to put here a translation of this interview.


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2011, 03:07:14 AM »
  Kouksundo is very clearly different from taoism. There had been"great Do" in ancient Korea
 before buddism, taoism,confucianism came into being. "Do" means the way through which humans
can be connected with heaven into one. Kouk(cosmic country: we consider the cosmos one country)
+sun(the sun)+do(way,road,street, or method)=kouksundo is the way through which humans can
be linked with heaven by increasing their wisdom and ability to the maxim level though taking in the
Illimitable energy and brightness of the sun with their mind and body by way of danjeon and eventually skin breathing. Tao is chinese style pronounciation of "Do"(the way). Do( 'do' we read this letter in Korea and in kouksundo) originated from the thought that we must respect our Heanen and love
People. but Heaven is abstract and no concrete form . Ancient korean people began to regard the sun as the symbol of Heaven. " the great present from Heaven to our people". They wanted to take the
present of the Heaven as much as possible  with only mind, in the beginning. They gradualy realised that breathing is the passage of Heavenly present and danjeon is the store house of heavenly present. Through so long years of trial and error approach, they finaly opened the precious way to the union with the Heaven.  Therefore the way of "Do"(kouksundo) is almost entirely different from
The way of taoism which was developed in china far later than "Do"(kouksundo)

« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 10:40:09 AM by Ki-young »


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2011, 03:20:06 AM »
 In breif, the translation that Our grand master Cheong San' teacher was an ancient taoism monk
 Is not only erroneous but also clearly misleading.  The tradition and spirit of  kouksundo is very practical and purely virtuous.  Be a healthy and strong person and let's benefit all the living things
As much as possible :) :) :)
« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 09:49:56 AM by Ki-young »


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2011, 06:48:34 AM »
Master Kim, thank you for explanations!
Here is the link where I found that interview with Master Chungsan where he tells about meeting with Dao master. => Master Chungsan => Following his steps
Maybe it is wrong translations in this story?


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2011, 10:11:31 AM »
     Yes, it's a kind of transrational mistake. He was just a doist(Do+ist= way+ person) , a person who
 Is on the way to the union with the cosmos.  The way of do is very different from the way of tao.
The practice postures and exercises and breathing styles of kouksundo can' be found in any book of so many ancient taoist books. Kouksundo( in short, Do) originated from ancient Korea. Tao developed
In china so many times later.  :)


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2011, 01:12:27 PM »
Master Kim, could you please explain very shortly the most important statements of Taoism to understand the main difference from Kouksundo?
Thank you in advance!


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2011, 01:25:46 AM »
Its interesting for me too. Are the concepts of Jung, Ki, Sheen completely analogous to the chinese concepts - Jing, Tsi, Shen? Is there a division into before-heaven energy level and post-heaven level? As I know, chinese taoism has separate methods for before-heaven level and post-heaven level. What is more, the first level connected with the inner alchemy, and the last - just for health.


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2011, 05:56:40 PM »
Sorry if the question is out of topic.
I'm studying a Korean masharat called Hapkido which has much cutted exercices of work with Ki. One of the Hapkido founders
Master Ji-han Jae represents a school of practicioners which bears much more questions - Taoist Li, pythoness Han Mul Ni.
Master Kim, do you know what system of Ki development was originally in Hapkido? Are there any connections between Kouksundo and Hapkido schools?
What exercise Master Ji-han Jae does on this first photo?
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 01:12:54 PM by Aprameya »


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2011, 03:52:11 AM »
  I can not say that there is a direct relation beteen them. Hapkido is a kind of martial art, external training and kouksundo puts more emphasis on breathing, meditation, healthlful exerices, namely.
Internal traing.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 04:44:17 AM by Aprameya »


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2011, 10:36:39 AM »
Ancient korea.
started from about 9,700 years ago,   
Orthodox internal training(alchemy).   

simple,practical, deep,systematic,   
unique, effective
started  severall thousands of years later than kouksundo
External aichemy+talisman+
+internal alchemy (which is strikingly
different from kouksundo) + chinese
Indigenous religion
no comment

Ignat Noname

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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2011, 08:40:11 AM »
I was interested in Taoism a little. And I got some information about a variety of schools (existing now and existed in the past) who consider themselves as Taoist. These schools practices, methods and goals sometimes differ greatly. I wouldn't like to decide which school are more Taoist, and which are less Taoist (or maybe non-Taoist at all). And if we look at all this variety, we will get a very fuzzy picture of Taoism. In this case, we can re-read the immortal creation of Lao Tzu, but there are so many translations which are so very different from each other. Take a look please
In the case of Kouksundo, we are talking about the concrete methods and reproducible results. One who take part in seminars and practiced regularly - can feel it, I think. Thus, any parallels can be made only with a single Taoist school (but I don't want to do this for some reasons). Master Kim, please correct me if I'm wrong in something.
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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2011, 05:17:01 PM »
Chinese schools are fuzzy topic, i think. By the way - is there a concept of the former and subsequent sky (Hou Tian and Sian Tian) in kouk sun do?


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2011, 03:54:30 AM »
 Dear Yuri!
I think and expect that your practice is progressing smoothly and steadily. Last time I saw your face,
The energy in it made me happy. I also think that what is more important is the concrete contents
rather than the complex and  sometimes incomplehensible theories. I like your explanation.
Steady practitioners like you are very valuable examples for human victory and future. Let's keep on!
   Dear vikram!
Thank you for your interest!  We do not put high empasis on the concept of the former and subequent
sky. Our main interest is highest virtue and boundless energy through ceaseless practising.
The concept has many different meanings according to which context it is used in. For instance,
new world or old world,  pre-natal or post natal. before creation or after creation, etc.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 02:54:41 PM by Aprameya »


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Re: Kouk-sun-do & Taoism
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2012, 08:12:55 PM »
Master Ki-young
Is there any differences between Kouk sun do and other Korean ki practice school - Dahnhak Moo do Ilchi Lee?