New feature is now available. "Diary of practice" - it's a calendar there each member can make practice records (if necessary, with comments).
Using diary records, main Kouk-sun-do center in Seoul will be able to promote practitioners from one level to another. In fact, it's an analog of system that exists in Kouk-sun-do centers in Korea - where every practitioner records his practice day by day. The Master watches students practice, and promote to the next level if practitioner has mastered current level enough..
Diary functional is simple: you can add records of your practice and some comments. Viewing of the diary is available only for its owner and Master.
Also there is a member status: the belt's color. If current level is practiced enought number of days, you can make
a request for the next level and next belt.
I hope this calendar will help somebody in practice. Please feel free to write here, if you have any ideas for improving the calendar.